Jun 19, 2020

Send and receive buffer sizes · Issue #435 · rakshasa May 30, 2016 MySQL :: MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual :: Formerly, the NDB kernel employed a send buffer whose size was fixed at 2MB for each node in the cluster, this buffer being allocated when the node started. Because the size of this buffer could not be changed after the cluster was started, it was necessary to make it large enough in advance to accommodate the maximum possible load on any RECV_BUF_SIZE | Smart way of Technology Configuring I/O Buffer Space RECV_BUF_SIZE and SEND_BUF_SIZE parameters specify sizes of socket buffers associated with an Oracle Net connection. For best performance, the size of the send and receive buffers should be set large enough to hold all the data that may be …

How to tweak your Network Adapter Settings to get the most

Buffer size when receiving data through a socket? - Python Jun 27, 2008 DAW Setup: Sample Rate, Buffer Size, and Bit Depth Jun 20, 2020

How to tweak your Network Adapter Settings to get the most

Jan 16, 2018 Ping of death - Wikipedia A ping of death is a type of attack on a computer system that involves sending a malformed or otherwise malicious ping to a computer.. A correctly-formed ping packet is typically 56 bytes in size, or 64 bytes when the ICMP header is considered, and 84 including Internet Protocol version 4 header. However, any IPv4 packet (including pings) may be as large as 65,535 bytes. linux kernel - TCP buffer sizes and ethernet bonding The maximum throughput is 256 MB/s, and a proper setting of send/recv buffer sizes should be about 256 MB/s * 0.09 s ~ 2415919 bytes. I did several experiments. In the first run, I ran one instance of server and one instance of client. I did not set the size of either the send buffer or the receive buffer, letting the kernel autotune them.